Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dear. Dr. Raines,

What kind of cuts are you and your staff going to make to help students out in this time of economic turmoil?

The Tennessee Board of Regents have obviously forgotten what education is about, the students. Students go to school to learn and hopefully gain a degree. Now, it is going to take many undergraduates a minimum of an additional semester to graduate. This can offset many people's life plans, especially those who must attend graduate school.
Life is hard and everyone must realize that part of the load is theirs and it must be carried. While putting a 12-hour cap on student tuition was obviously not Doctor Raines' idea, she should still be working to assist students as much as possible.
Fred Smith had it right when he asked all of his employees to take a pay and potential benefit cut, while simultaneously taking one of his own. In education, this may be difficult since many of the costs are state mandated and being a professor does not pay very well. However, planning should be occurring now as to how the University of Memphis is going to stay focused on its main priority: providing an education for students.

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