Thursday, September 24, 2009

With a recent downturn in the economy, non-profits can expect an even smaller amount of monetary donations than usual. This must be causing problems within these companies, including layoffs of different employees, and the cause on which non-profits are based will experience more setbacks.
It seems that companies are more concerned with turning a profit than helping those who are less well-off. I understand that America is a capitalistic society and making a living is a key goal, but when others are suffering, people who have the means to help them should do what they can. I am not saying give up all of your possessions, but could your company not sponsor at least one cause or give X amount of profit to a group that is in dire need of funding?
However, only 38% of companies are being forced to give less to non-profits this year. Eighteen percent are giving the same and a surprising 19% have even donated more. If it comes down to it, at least people and companies are giving something. It will be a sad day when those who are blessed stop helping those who are not so blessed.
Organizations and business leaders are stressing the importance of donating money and volunteering, but are placing more emphasis on the latter, since cash flow is becoming more and more restricted. This is good news for non-profit organizations that need volunteers, such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Girl Scouts and many other groups.

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