Thursday, October 22, 2009

This article described a report released by some of the major philanthropic organizations that included ways to mobilize volunteers. Often, non-profit organizations need more volunteers than they have, but it seems like they focus too much time speaking purely on what the organization does, rather than how volunteers can be involved. As someone who volunteers with a couple of organizations, I know how I was recruited. For Girl Scouts, I am a lifetime member and alumna of the organization so I am strongly motivated to help carry on this organization's legacy. I want to help the next generation of girls to know how awesome working with their sister scouts can be and the pure thrill of knowing that you are a member of an organization created to purely help young women learn and grow, an organization that has been around for almost an entire century.
However, there are plenty of organizations out there that have a huge need for volunteers, but people who are interested in volunteering do not always know how to get involved. I have seen advertisements on television or even on billboards for groups such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters that do not even list a website to visit in order to gain information. If I wanted to get involved, I would have to remember the name of the group, go home, use a search engine and attempt to find some information. However, most volunteer audiences have such a short attention span that they simply will not remember to go searching for information.
I think President Obama's push for more money to be spent helping non-profit organizations sets him apart as a new(er) president. Focus needs to be put on the great organizations that are trying to make the world a little bit better and if the president of the United States is so gung-ho, then what can the world do but follow?
However, this potential for new campaigns to gain volunteers could hurt organizations that do not have a plan in place to handle a large number of new volunteers. This needs to be addressed by someone higher up and funds should be adequately portioned for volunteer orientation, because if you do not have volunteers, how will the work get done? It just won't.

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